Leadership  team

Meet Our Leadership

Ministry Staff & Administration

Chris Schwartzenberger

Amy Schwartzenberger

Ashlee Talley

Lead Evangelist
Women's Ministry Leader

Chris and Amy Schwartzenberger have been our Spokane Christian Church leaders since 2013. Chris is an EWU alumni who returned to Spokane with Amy to raise their three children in the PNW.
Ashlee Talley is our church administrator and helps organize and communicate the details of what's going on within the congregation. She was born and raised in Spokane; she and her husband Jason moved back to Spokane in 2011 to be near family & raise their four children.


Mike & Linda Yochum

Ed & Traci Elliott

Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and we are called to know His voice; one way we do this at Spokane Christian Church is by gleaning wisdom from those who have come before us. In our efforts to raise up church elders, we currently have two long-standing couples we call "shepherding couples" to help guide, mentor, advise, and love the "flock" of Christians.
Mike and Linda Yochum have been married for 47 years. Mike has been in Spokane his whole life and Linda has been in Spokane for 48 years.  While here they raised two children, have 5 grandsons, and have been Christians for 19 years.  They love hosting in their home, sharing the Good News of Jesus' love and grace, and getting outside. They oversee the North and Southwest Regional groups in the church.
Ed and Traci Elliott have been in Spokane for 8 years, they each were baptized into Jesus 32 years ago, married a few years later and have been married for 28 years. They have three children, love delicious food, laughing, and showing hospitality. They oversee the Southeast and North Idaho Regional groups in the church.

Family Group Leaders

As we make every effort to be in step with Holy Spirit, we choose to meet and connect personally and regularly. We know the scriptures tell us Christians met in each other's homes. So, we too meet with one another outside of our Sunday congregational worship services.
There are 5 regional groups, called Family Groups, and each has small groups that meet in various ways and on various days of the week. We have family groups in North Spokane, Southwest Spokane, Spokane Valley and North Idaho Regions, along with our college group.
If you would like to get connected with a welcoming community of people in your area, please reach out to one of our leaders. They are eager to meet you and are constantly in prayer over those God is reaching.